Monday, December 17, 2012

25 Days of Christmas: Day 17

How is it that there are only 8 more days left until Christmas? Didn't I just post Day 1? This week should be a blur, did some last minute shopping today, tomorrow will be a bit more of the same. I think I'm pretty much done, but there's always something to add to the stocking. And, it's also probably because I stopped jotting down what I have already bought. That's not good.


  1. I usually just keep buying and then when I take inventory, I have way too much. We wrapped everything last night and I found that my kids will need about 3 stockings (or the giant ones you have) to hold all the things I bought! Love that pic of G with the envelope!

  2. LOL, I think I got those giant stockings at homegoods several years ago. You can fit a small child in one of those. More wrapping needs to be done tonight....
