Sunday, December 16, 2012

25 Days of Christmas: Day 16

Woo hoo! Last day of the Nutcracker. I do have to say I really enjoyed this year's performance. We watched yesterday afternoon and the dancers did an amazing job. It also felt like a different Nutcracker since my daughter was in a new role. I was paying closer attention to a different scene (she was a "boy at the party") and watching the girls she has been dancing with since she was 4 dancing their hearts out was just a joy to watch. Yesterday was also the Disco Nutcracker and it was fun watching the pre-professional troupe interpret the Nutcracker and the many roles. Another year done. Looking forward to the spring recital....


  1. Disco nutcracker looks like fun!

  2. It was a cute performance, it was my first time watching it. They were quite funny.
